Human resource department is responsible to handle many crucial aspects of your organization. HR functions comply with an instrumental role in providing record keeping, providing labor law compliance, hiring and training of new recruits in the organization, compensation, relational assistance and managing particularly employee’s performances. This all aspects come under the responsibilities of HR functions which are mandatory to be included in the smooth functioning of your organization. If your organization lacks such HR functions in it then it’s performing with quite a slow rate and needs revamp with management and staff.

Compliance inquiry towards labor laws:
One of the primary aspects that every chief HR functions officer looks into that there is no violations of labor laws and every activity is performed confining to the laws. HR functions deal with the details of state policies for the employment regulations. The HR functions also include the number of breaks to be given for a number of hours and the details regarding the minimum age of employment and the maximum number of hours for working. In the overall aspect, HR functions play a vital role in defending organization under any legal actions regarding labor laws.

Recruitment and training:
HR functions include the recruitment and training of the new man force hired. It comes on the account of the HR functions regarding the training the new workforce and inscribing new skills in the new workforce. HR functions in recruitment and training are the top priority of the organization to entail new skills and make candidate ready to be absorbed for the work they are hired. In many cases, HR functions also do the advertisement for the latest vacancies in the organizations. The publishing of latest handbooks and guidelines for the newly recruited candidates also comes under HR functions.

Record keeping:
The responsibility of maintaining records of all organizational tasks comes under HR functions. According to the guidelines laid down by IRS, every company has to maintain records of expenses, income, purchases, and a summary of comprising of all business transactions which comes under HR functions. An HR functions also comes with maintaining employee’s records and their tax forms. The department under HR functions handles inventory statistics, business licenses, insurance records, and crucial business information must also come under the file.

Payroll and benefits:
Department under HR functions also handle dispensations of payrolls of the employee. In various cases especially in large companies there exist a separate sub-department of HR functions that handles payroll but in most of the cases with medium companies, there is a common department under HR functions to handle payroll. Staff leaves and medical claims are handled under HR functions.
Before beliefs in creativity, courage and commitment and supporting in order to deliver positive results in your organization by its high-grade HR functions The best practice which differentiates before in terms of HR functions are its tailor-made guidelines for every organization developed upon research on complete performance and proximities of your organization. Before is the HR functions firm that aims at providing HR related services which bring maximum profit to your organization.